Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Happy Ramadhan !

Seluruh anggota Comet 101 mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa bagi yang menjalankannya di Bulan Ramadhan ini

Marilah kita tingkatkan kualitas Ibadah kita kepada Allah SWT

Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda,
مَنْ فَرِحَ بِدُخُوْلِ رَمَضَانَ حَرَّمَ اللهُ جَسَدَهُ عَلَي النِّيْرَانِ
          “Barangsiapa yang bahagia dengan kedatangan bulan Ramadhan, Allah akan mengharamkan jasadnya dari neraka.”

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Who Are We?

This is us together, as you can see. These pictures were taken today after school,
everyone looks happy!

The Boys
The Girls

Now I'm going to tell you what our class means to us.

We started off being a complete stranger to each other, but we suddenly had to work together during on first days of school.
We got to know each other better, and felt as if we had found people who really understood ourselves.

Not strangers anymore.

We've gotten used to it, we're a family now.

We might come from different backgrounds, we might have different personalities & uniqueness, and uniting all that isn't easy.

but we've succeeded, and still working on it.

No matter what, X-1 has been our our first memory, of being in high school.

The first people to share 'the best times of our lives' with...

X-1 has become a family.

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Di Balik Senyuman

Dahulu... tiada yang mau mendengarku
Tidak ada yang tahu aku menangis
Tidak ada yang mendengarkanku tertawa
 Tidak ada pula yang tahu aku bahagia
Siapa yang mau tahu ?

 Tapi sekarang aku tahu
Aku tahu itu
Ternyata aku tak sendiri
Ternyata ada yang memperhatikanku...
Ternyata aku baru sadar ...

Allah lah yang menemaniku
Ia yang mendengarku
Ia yang mendengarku menangis
Ia yang tahu aku sedih
Ia yang mendengarkan aku tertawa
Ia pula yang tahu aku bahagia...
Ia tahu segala tentangku
Yang menemaniku, menyayangiku ...
Sehingga aku dapat tersenyum selalu ...

--Fitri Khoiriyah---

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

To Prove that We're Unique

Let's get on the plane! We're going to see Comet X-1 and its stars!
(reisa & yordan -coming soon)

Gak percaya kalo X-1 itu gudangnya anak pinter, berbakat, n beragam? Ada yang juara olimpiade mate lho, ada juga yang jago main biola , debat, bahasa inggris, terus anak X-1 itu banyak yang berasal dari suku bangsa berbeda! Wih, isn't it great, the way we live together in harmony?

Nora --- She's really good at math. N dia keturunan arab, X-1 emang hebat!
Cheryl --  She's smart, literally!Bulenya X-1! Dia dari Inggris lho, makin unik aja penduduk X-1!
Dere --- she's soooo Java! Kalem banget. Bener - bener Indonesia deh!
Syifa --- she grew up in Japan. Wih, ada orang Jepang juga disini!

Muhammad (Mumu)---very religious! X-1 punya ustad yang siap memimbing!
Rabbani --- He's one of the youngest students here. A violist, suka menghibur kita dengan biolanya!
Iqbal Toynbee --- he has a very unique voice and face, dia juga ustad nih!
Fikri --- Clever and very good at playing guitar. Calon musisi!
Bagas --- Plays games a lot, good at IT. Orang batak lho!
Agung ---very calm, gak neko-neko deh!
Haekal --- Jarang-jarang kan ada cowo berlogat jawa? Dimana lagi kalo bukan di sini! Orang NTB tapi logat Jawa!
Helmi --- His house is sooo far, tapi semangat sekolahnya perlu dicontoh! Berasal dari Depok!
Mutia --- So childish & religious, ustadzahnya kita!
Aulia --- our secretary, cheerful person! Tomboy pula!
Sekar --- Her mother is our sociology's teacher. Jadi kalo mau nanya PR, gampang!
Une ---very cheerful & talks a lot. Cerewet dan rame! Haha.
Sandria --- Quiet, sweet. Dari Kalimantan lho! Makin beragam kan suku budaya X-1?
Verra - she's talkative and funny! Heboh deh suasana kelas!
Bertha --- So chinese! Tapi tinggal di Jepang juga dulunya! Wih, hebat!
Fitri --- very calm and kind. Orang batak!

Sari --- Cute! Haha!
Dinan --- so quiet, but kind! Orang jawa asli!
Masy'al --- This one is from Arab too! So mysterious. Unik banget ya.
Alma ---Very kind and calm, but fun! Hobinya nari saman bareng temen-temen
Karina ---She loves adventures! Cita-citanya jadi Polwan lho!
Maurine --- CRAZY! Wah, ini bikin ketawa, heboh deh! Lebay tapi ngangenin!
Fazri ---Iseng banget! Bikin rusuh, tapi baik!
Prety, but crazy too! Dia dari Makassar, jauh ya!  Hati-hati ya kalau sama dia! Haha.

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Quotes That Represent Us

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
-Muhammad Ali

Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.
-Francesco Guicciardini

Even though we've just met, I feel as if we've known each other forever.


Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

How It Began ....

Hello all :)

we're from x-1 smansa, and this post is about!

Our journey first began on the 12th of July 2010, that was the first day of MOS. Everyday we got daily tasks, so many of them, and everyday after MOS ended, we always went to our 'basecamp' to do our work together. Everyone was tired, sad, and lazy, but MOS really made us know each other better. Between all the stress, we still laughed together! Because even though MOS was really tiring, we still wanted to go to school because we knew we were together as one to face it.

one of the tasks.

Suprisingly, on the last day of MOS, we found out that actually our seniors were soo nice & friendly! It was a very memorably day,  we had so much fun with each other and our seniors. We wish we could go back to that day, where all the stress suddenly vanished!

Seniors (:


In the end of the week, we all went camping! The whole batch and the seniors. Sadly, it rained heavily there, we all panicked and some plans got cancelled, but still, it was very memorable too. We slept in the truck instead of inside the tents! Had so much fun and got to know each other better!

in the morning before camping

Orientation ended there, but it doesn't mean our togetherness will fade! Sekarang kalian tau bagaimana kami bisa sedekat ini :)

Thank You for visiting :)